Em Arpeggio Lick (and How To Use It)
Randall Padilla
Ex. 1:
This is an Em Arpeggio with every major shred technique involved- Tapping, Sweeping, Wide Interval shifts, Attitude. As with any technique or insane new lick that you learn, one ‘technique’ that I like to use is this:
- Have your guitar/amp ready to go immediately next to your bed;
- Soon as you perceive that you are awakening in the morning, IMMEDIATELY grab your guitar and very s-l-o-w-l-y go through the insane new lick or technique three times;
- Go shower/shave/whatever, come back and repeat the process again three times slowly. You’ll have the lick dead on at the end of 5 days or a week.
Divide this lick into segments and learn each proficiently and successively, adding on a new section only after the previous is attained. 8 note sections would be great. Also, take this concept and play with it with other arpeggios or scales. As you notice, the division of the arpeggio occurs descending using chord tones as pivots. Have fun and enjoy!
-Randall Padilla
You can reach Padilla at youtube.com/randypadilla209 or email at: