Picking Lick

Toni Lloret


friends, welcome to my first video lesson for ShredAcademy, I
hope that you find this useful.
The example that we are going to see is an excerpt from a song
of mine called “The Way”.

have chosen this part of the tune because I believe that it can
be a useful exercise and you can use this to develop similar ideas
for your own playing. This lick has a minor tonality, and it can
be divided into 4 parts
which I will comment on briefly:

first part is String Skiping with Hybrid Picking, (measures 4
& 6). In order to do this part we will use a combination of
pick and fingers (hybrid picking). In this part I have used some
slides to create an irregular rhythm. You can practice this exercise
and when you are comfortable with the exercise at an average speed
you can practice hybrid picking with slides of other notes in
the scale or to even construct your own phrases or licks using
this same technique.

The second part would be formed by *compases 5 & 7 (*measures),
and in here I have used the technique of Open Strings. Again,
This excerpt has an irregular rhythm. This rhythm is achieved
by using the following pattern : 1 note + open string, 2 notes
+ open string, 3 notes + open string, 2 notes + open string.

In the third part (measures 8 & 9) we have arpeggio of Emin7
using alternate picking. This arpeggio of Emin7 is made more interesting
by doubling up with two different arpeggios one that is a third
below and one that is a third above (Cmaj7 & Gmaj7)

The fourth part of lick (measures 10&11) is formed by simple
bends, which can actually be a bit more tricky than they first
seem. This is due to the speed that we are playing the arpeggio.
Bending perfectly can be difficult at this speed. It is important
that you practice bending as much as the other exercises.


Picking Tab
– (.gif)